
Showing posts from December, 2014

New Things- Good Times

I can't believe it, last week I thought I would be working at Primark for years to come and now I just finished my last shift there? I loved my job there, I did but I'd been there for a year now and it was becoming a little tiresome.  I was just in town on Wednesday, minding my own business when I saw and advertisement for a new Saltrock store opening and well, I thought what could be the harm in applying- so I did. I got the job on Thursday.  It's weird to think that this all happened within the space of 24 hours and now, this weekend, I did my last two shifts at Primark. I'll miss everyone there but I think it's time to move on.  You know what they say, sometimes you're in the right place, at the right time. I don't think this could be any truer for me.  Until next time.  Evie Rose