Supernatural 200th Episode, Fan Fiction.

Woah, who'd thought that the TV show Supernatural would have made it to 200 episodes? Well, us, the fans did; resulting in this episode reeling in the highest viewings since the season premiere!

Supernatural first aired in 2005 and here we are now, 200 episodes down and a large, ever-growing fanbase- me included. 

I was so excited for this episode when this was announced as a 'musical' episode, at first I hoped Jensen, Jared, Misha or Mark would be singing in this feature. Later when we discovered that, not only would the boys not be singing in the episode but Misha and Mark wouldn't feature in the episode? Well, I was disheartened and disappointed. (Misha being a favourite of mine and not featuring in the 200th episode? Shocking.)

But then I watched the episode… I was blown away!

The episode features the brother's heading to an all girl's school after hearing about some recent disappearances. There, they find that this school has chosen to do a musical interpretation of the 'Carver Edlund's; Supernatural books'. 

I won't go into details about the plot but what I will say is- I loved this episode so so much. 

I found the humour within this episode, funny, witty and it fitted well. The songs involved in the episode are catchy, fun and the cover of Carry on My Wayward Son is beautiful, the vocals mixing well together and sounding haunting. 

Recently, I had found myself growing a little bored of Supernatural, the plot becoming a little tiresome. But season 10 has pleased me quite well and this episode was just the thing I needed to bring back my love for this TV show. 

Supernatural has been my favourite TV show for just over a year now and I hope I can stay a fan of this show for a long while in the future. 

Here's to another 200 episodes!

Evie Rose


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